Deichbrand Festival July, 18-21 - 2024 Cuxhaven/Nordholz

Get one of the strictly limited wildcard tickets for the DEICHBRAND Festival 2025! The festival ticket is the cheapest price level and includes regular camping with your own tents. The camping area is open from Thursday 12:00 to Monday 12:00.

For all those who want to arrive one day before the start of the program, we also offer early arrival on Wednesday in 2025. Get a Wildcard ticket including early arrival and be one of the first people on the festival site. If you have initially booked a festival ticket without early arrival and would now like to arrive earlier, check our camping extras in the store and simply book the early arrival upgrade later and only while stocks last.
Parking is not included. If you would like to arrive by car, you will need a parking ticket for all days, which you can find in the ticket store under “Extras”.

Get your tickets now