Deichbrand Festival July, 17-20 - 2025 Cuxhaven/Nordholz
Samstag 2023



Trille wants to tell stories and make music not only for himself anymore, but also for others. His current album "Kapuze" is the result of a long development. Humanly - and especially musically. "I was in rock bands for a long time and shouted my lyrics rather than sang them. English lyrics. But then I started writing in German and formulating my thoughts more directly. And I discovered what else I can do with my voice - rapping, for example, or singing in a head voice." Trille calls the mix indie-trap. "The songs reflect who I am right now," the musician says. "I deal a lot with trying to communicate better. Maybe through my music, others will learn to talk about their feelings - the beautiful ones and the not so beautiful ones." With Trille, I'm sure everyone will enjoy talking or singing about their feelings at DEICHBRAND Festival 2023!