Deichbrand Festival July, 18-21 - 2024 Cuxhaven/Nordholz

Pamola Italian Streetfood

Pamola Italian Streetfood

Thinly rolled out flatbread filled with mozzarella, fresh tomatoes and crunchy arugula - well, is your mouth watering already? Then you can also look forward to fine Milano salami, red onions, homemade Pesto Rosso and a good portion of Amore. These ingredients make up the Italian delicacy piadina: perhaps the oldest street food in the world. The Hamburg brothers Paul and Moritz take great pleasure in conjuring up this delicacy - also vegetarian, of course - and thus bring a taste experience in a class of its own to the plates of the DEICHBRAND.

Special feature:
There are also vegetarian delicacies here!